From Debbie Fox
The Ireland & UK Branch of the IAIA is pleased to announce the opening of bookings for its conference on:
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and their integration into Impact Assessments
This full day event (9am – 4pm) will be held on Thursday the 8th October 2009 and is brought to you jointly by the Ireland & UK Branch of the IAIA and the Met Office. The conference will be held at the Met Office Headquarters in Exeter.
The conference will provide the latest thinking and advice on how to consider climate change adaptation in the impact assessment process. The latest conference programme can be downloaded from: http://www.iaia.org/publicdocuments/affiliates-and-branches/ireland-uk/CCAdaptation_&_IA_8Oct09v1.pdf
The day is split into three sessions providing delegates with Government, Professional, and Practitioners perspectives. Each of these sessions is designed to provide up-to-date information and guidance, they will also provide delegates with an opportunity to ask question and briefly debate key issues. Delegates will also get the opportunity to go on a tour of the Met Offices Headquarters during the lunch break to learn more about the Met Offices activities in relation to climate change.
The conference is sponsored by Golder Associates (www.golder.com) and is designed for those working or involved in impact assessment (e.g. EIA, SEA, SA, HIA, etc). The event is open to all and we encourage you to forward this email to colleagues and contacts you feel would be interested in attending the event, a poster for the event is also attached to help you promote this event on behalf of the Branch.
The costs to attend this conference are:
£65 (+VAT = £74.75) for IAIA members
£100 (+VAT = £115) for Non-members
Golder Associates have kindly agreed to process bookings for this event. To ensure your place is reserved at this essential conference call: Maxine McArdle on 01865 870 000, or email Maxine_McardleATgolder.com with the subject: IAIA_8thOct. Payment is by credit card or cheques - made payable to: Golder Associates UK.
Note: Only 45 delegate places are available at this conference and due to security restrictions at the Met Office HQ booking before the 1st September is advisable.
For further details please visit:
We look forward to seeing you at this event.
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