25 November 2008

HIA eNews Issue 21: Building capacity for HIA

The latest copy of the Health Impact Assessment eNews is now available for download:

http://www.hiaconnect.edu.au/files/HIA_eNews_21.pdf [PDF 720 Kb]

In this issue:
  • What is Capacity Building?
  • Independent Evaluation of Phase 3 of the New South Wales HIA Project
  • Developing Capacity and Capability for HIA in the North East Region of England
  • Capacity Building and HIA in New Zealand
  • Capacity Building for HIA in European Union New Member States and Pre-Accession Countries
  • Upcoming HIA Training
  • What’s New?
Past issues of the eNews can be downloaded from www.hiaconnect.edu.au/hia_e-news.htm

The HIA eNews is produced by the Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity at the University of New South Wales, Australia. The NSW HIA Project is funded by NSW Health.

12 November 2008

InfoWatch: New HIA-related reports and articles

WHO (2008)World Health Report 2008: Primary health care - Now more than ever, World Health Organization: Geneva. ISBN 9 7892 4156 3734.

WHO (2008) Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health, Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization: Geneva. ISBN 9 7892 4156 3703.

PHAC & WHO (2008) Health Equity Through Intersectoral Action: An analysis of 18 country case studies, Public Health Agency of Canada and the the World Health Organization: Ottawa. ISBN 9 7806 6248 8279.

Paradies Y, Harris R, Anderson I (2008) The Impact of Racism on Indigenous Health in Australia and Aotearoa: Towards a research agenda: Darwin.

Higgins C, Lavin T, Metcalfe O (2008) Health Impacts of Education: A review, Institute of Public Health in Ireland: Dublin. ISBN 9 7809 5595 9813.

Furnee CA, Groot W, van den Brink HM (2008)The Health Effects of Education: A meta-analysis, European Journal of Public Health, 18(4): 417-421. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckn028

Fell G, Haroon S (2008) Learning from a Rapid Health Impact Assessment of a Proposed Maternity Service Reconfiguration in the English NHS, BMC Public Health, 8(138) doi:10.1186/1471-2458-8-138

Curtis S (2008) How Can We Address Health Inequality Through Healthy Public Policy in Europe?, European Urban and Regional Studies, 15(4): 293-305. doi:10.1177/0969776408095106

Brennan Ramirez LK, Baker EA, Metzler M (2008) Promoting Health Equity: A resource to help communities address social determinants of health, Social Determinants of Health Work Group, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services: Atlanta.