The UNSW Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation and NSW Health have published a guide to undertaking health impact assessments. Health Impact Assessment: A practical guide is informed by the experiences of more than twenty health impacts assessments that have been undertaken or supported through the New South Wales Health Impact Assessment Project over the past four years. The guide aims to provide people a practical understanding of HIA, its process, concepts and theories.
A PDF version can be downloaded from
For a print copy of the guide and/or more information about HIA please phone +61 2 9612 0762 or email
An online version of the guide, with additional materials, links to further resources, and online exercises, is being developed and will be released in 2008 on HIA Connect.
Part One: Overview of Key Concepts
What is HIA?
Why undertake HIA?
What do we mean by ‘health’?
How is health created?
What are health impacts?
HIA is prospective
Broad participation
Part Two: The Steps in HIA
1. Screening
2. Scoping
3. Identification
4. Assessment
5. Decision-making and recommendations
6. Evaluation and follow-up